Monday, April 22, 2013

Top 5 things to do on a rainy day

Hello all! Today as I looked out my window, (with hopes of a mid day pic nick) I saw that the sky was cloudy ; and not the white fluffy kind'a cloudy, but the dark heavy kind! And worse of all - it was raining! I stomped into the middle of the little-apartment-on-campus's living room and groaned "There is nothing to do inside!!!!" I thought. Then I tried to find things to do.....

"Oh! I haven't read my new issue of the American Girl magazine!" I exclaimed

After I got my fill, my gaze was set upon the Apples to Apples game I have not played in ages!  

As I put the game away, I found a stray bottle of nail polish that was the perfect shade of pink to match my outfit!  

After my nails dried I spotted Livey's (my room mate, who was currently absent) violin, Even though I did not know how to play it I taught myself a few notes!  

then I was hungry, so I made myself some cookies! 


After the cookies came out of the oven, with their satisfying aroma I said; "Now what do I do on a rainy day?!?!"

( It never came to me that I had done so much!) Then I looked at the clock, it was 6 o'lock - dinner time! Then it hit me; I did do so much! So the top 5 things to do on a rainy day are.......

  1. Read 
  2. Play a game (Apples to Apples!:) 
  3. Paint your nails 
  4. Teach your self an instrument you have never played before   
  5. Make cookies! 
And most of all, have fun!!! 

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