Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pet Palozza Part 2#

Last time we met Julie, she lost her patient! Licorice that is, Now Julie is frantically fretting over the lose of the sneaky kitty........

"What will I tell Rose?!?!" I thought! I looked everywhere in the hedges by the front door outside, in the fluffy pet beds, in by the x-ray area, but all I found where some old pennies and forgotten dog toys! Then I saw the back door open just the size for a cat to sneak out! " I must have left it open after Rose come! I should have been more careful!"  I stated to really panic everything started to blur, I was in a daze."What will I tell Rose?!?!" I kept on thinking, " Should I tell her the truth or should I tell her , um, well a lie to make me look better?" Just then I herd a comforting knock ( I do not no how knocks can be comforting, but this one was). I opened it up and you will never believe who was there- Rose! " Hey Julie I think you lost this" she pulled licorice out from behind her back!
 " Licorice!" I yelled. Rose looked at me waiting for some explanation, "Truth or lie? What are you going to do?" "Uhhhhh...... Errr....I left the back door open after you left! I am super, super, super sorry!"
" Julie, I never went out the back door!"
"I know I am sorr- wait., WHAT?"
" I peeked out to see if there was any way out the back, I should have told you, I am the sorry one!'"
" It is all right!"
"So you are not mad?"
"No! I know how I would feel if you where mad at me!"
" Julie thank you for telling the truth!"
" Wait how do you know I was about to tell a lie?"
"You think out loud!"

We both laughed! Well I guess we both learned something new! That I think aloud and there is no way out the back of the pet place, Oh! And that no matter what it is always good to the truth!!!

Let's start at the very being, it's a very good place to start! 
Read pet Palozza Part 1#! 

1 comment:

  1. That is rather ironic, it just goes to show that telling the truth is always important.

    Elizabeth Grace
