Tuesday, September 3, 2013

New Series!! Jlove: Autumn Mysteries Part #1


Hello everydollie! Today I was walking home from school at InnerstarU with Rosie and... 

"Come on Julie this is the best way home! It's an shortcut!" She shouted over her shoulder, 
It was a crisp, chili almost-fall day with the first cool breezes of the year blowing on my face. I crunched over freshly fallen leaves and twigs. The 'Blue sky Nature Center" sing was in the distance, "Rosie shouldn't we turn at the sing, we could get lost!" 
"You worry too much, well'l be fine, come on it'll be fun!" she replied   
 I stopped hesitantly, the hint of adventure that hung in her voice reminded me that I have gotten into many dangerous situations with my roommate Livey joy, who is currently visiting her friend Kantian in Minnesota. I took a slow step forward then stopped, where was Rosie? She was gone!!! "Rosie!!!!" I yelled in a nervous wreak! 
"I am over here." She said out of sight, but surprisingly close. She poked her head out from behind a tree trunk. "I believe the trail picks up near this oak tree."      
I realized That I had stopped breathing, and ex-hailed loudly saying, "Rosie you scared me!"

I followed her clutching my purple messenger bag as I trumped up the hill.  
"What's this?" said Rosie she picked up a old crumpled piece of paper. 
"It's a treasure map!" she exclaimed!  
"What? Let me look at that!" I said, and low and behold it was.

"What do you think it leads to?" said Rosie 
"Who cares besides it could be dangerous!" I reluctantly replied 


And Then..........